Strength Amulet

Strength Amulet

We who work with ALTI want you to always believe in yourself and dare to stand up for who you are. We also know that it is harder some days than others. To help you feel strong on those days, we have created this strength amulet. Our hope is that by wearing this jewelry, you will immediately feel uplifted and that whenever you fall, you can look at and touch your jewelry to quickly bounce back.

Gain power and courage to be who you want

By wearing this unique, numbered piece of jewelry, you gain the courage to show who you are and who you want to be. You become STRONG, UNIQUE, and FREE. The jewelry is designed by ALTI founder Åsa Backman and produced by Tokash Ldt.

Give a jewelry with a message

Perhaps you feel that the jewelry is not exactly what you need, but you have a friend, partner, child, or someone else in your life who could benefit from wearing it. Then it is just as suitable to give this message jewelry as a gift. The powerful strength amulet is numbered and thus also completely unique.

“I am a person who always goes my own way, and I know that I can handle anything when I believe in myself. I want to feel strong, unique, and free and dare to be who I am and do what I want. With this amulet, I want to convey power and courage to you to dare as well. Your silver amulet is numbered and thus completely unique – just like you!”

– Åsa Backman, founder ALTI Jewelry.


SKU N/A Kategori

Large polished, Large brushed, Small polished, Small brushed


Sturdy silverchain 45 cm, Thin silverchain 45 cm, Leather strap, Long silverchain 85 cm, Silverchain 45 cm

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